FLAU Bulletin 18

Aus WassermannZeit

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FIGU-Bulletin Australien 18

Each Created Creation is a Creational natural Wesen

Each human being is a creational Wesen, namely, in a twofold sense: On the one hand, he/she is creative and creational through his/her thoughts and feelings, through his/her ideas, deeds and actions, out of which he/she is able to create that which is progressive and very valueful. On the other hand, he/ she is a Wesen, who at one time emerged from amino acids as a unicellular form, and later, from life forms which further de veloped from them, ultimately as a human being. As such the human being further reproduced independently since that time and has become Homo sapiens, an independent and rational human being. However, the fundamental origin of the human existence is founded in the creational-natural laws of the spiritual-energy Creation-universal-conciousness, through which, through the coming about of spiritual-energetic impulses, all universally existing principles arose and became effective. These creational-natural laws are infinite in number and encompass anything and everything which exists in coarsematerial and fine-fluidal form, so therefore the coarsest matter and also the finest spiritual-formed energy and its powers, which are still mostly unknown to the human being. So, there exist for him/her many unknown creational-natural laws and recommendations, and the energies and powers arising from them in nature and in the entire universe, which he/she does not understand, but which he/she can learn to understand, if he/she integrates himself/herself into them completely and wholeheartedly and commits himself/herself to them. Therefore if the human being consciously makes an effort to perceive these laws and recommendations, to recognise them and to accept them, then on the one hand, they lead him/her to himself/herself, to his/her true inner nature, and on the other hand, in a consciousness-based form, they reveal to him/her many forms which are unknown to him/her. However all of them are such that he/she does not expect them and he/she does not see them with his/her visual perceiving eyes and simply cannot understand them with his/her intellect, thus he/she has to learn the understanding and connect it with his/her rationality, in order to comprehend what greatness is hidden in all the creational-natural laws and recommendations, which show the way to everything and give everything the appropriate correct state. The human being and all created creations in the vastness of the universe are creational-natural Wesen and as such created from the principles of the spiritual-energetic Creationuniversal-consciousness. Everything exists as a consequence of it, the entire existence and also all life, whereby there is no hierarchy for the value of life, because all life is assigned and given the same value as well as its determined usefulness, correct state and duty. So one life is not more valueable than another, although one may serve as help or nourishment for the other, as it is given in relation to plants, animals and other creatures, whereon the human being also lives, entirely according to the creational-natural guidelines of his/her nourishment. So, for each human being and for every other life form, be it plants, animals or other creatures, there is its assigned place in its existence and life. However if the human being is viewed and considered from this point of view, then he/she is a higher and special Wesen with conscious intellect and conscious rationality and thereby a very important piece in the fabric of existence as well as in his/her own life. As such – howsoever he/she may natured according to his/her race – with his/her rationality and with his intellect, he/she stands above all plants, the animals and the other creatures, which also are given as nourishment for him/her, whereby however he/she excludes himself/herself from it using intellect and rationality, because usually like and like mutually do not serve as nourishment. Like each created creation in the entire universe, each Wesen is a piece in the fabric of existence and of life, and no life form which lives is expendable, because once it is placed into existence and into life, then it also has its right to live and also to do its duty and to live. This means that all living life forms brought into life at some point have their value and are important, because they are a valueful piece in the fabric of existence and of life and because this fabric itself is a part of each created creation. Therefore, once a life is born – be it begotten in rationality or irrationality – it stands in life and also has its right to live, as well as its duty in life, just as it corresponds to its life’s duty of perceiving and fulfilling the creational natural laws and recommendations in existence. In addition, this duty of fulfilment is also based in keeping one’s own genus in a planetary-equitable framework and neither overbreeding nor overpopulating it.
SSSC,2.March 2013, 1.04h Billy

Jedes Geschöpf ist ein schöpferisch natürliches Wesen

Jeder Mensch ist ein schöpferisches Wesen, und zwar in doppeltem Sinn: Einerseits ist er selbst kreativ und schöpferisch durch seine Gedanken und Gefühle, durch seine ldeen, Handlungen und Taten, aus denen heraus er Fortschrittliches und sehr Wertvolles zu erschaffen vermag. Anderseits ist er ein Wesen, das einst als einzellige Form aus Aminosäuren und später aus sich daraus entwickelten weiteren Lebewesen letztendlich als Mensch hervorgegangen ist. Als solcher vermehrte er sich seither selbständig weiter und ist zum Homosapiens geworden, zum selbständigen und vernunftbegabten Menschenwesen. Der grundlegende Ursprung der menschlichen Existenz jedoch fundiert in den schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetzen der Geistenergie Schöpfung -Universalbewusstsein, durch die, durch das Zustandekommen geistenergetischer Impulse, alle universumweit existierenden Gesetzmässigkeiten entstanden und wirksam geworden sind. Diese schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze sind unendlich in ihrer Zahl und umfassen alles und jedes, was in grobmaterieller und feinstofflicher Form existiert, so also die gröbste Materie ebenso wie auch die feinste geistförmige Energie und deren Kräfte, die dem Menschen noch weitestgehend unbekannt sind. So existieren für ihn viele unbekannte schöpferischnatürliche Gesetze und Gebote und die daraus hervorgehenden Energien und Kräfte in der Natur und im gesamten Universum, die er nicht versteht, die er jedoch zu verstehen lernen kann, wenn er sich ihnen vollständig und rückhaltlos einordnet und sich ihnen übergibt. Wenn sich der Mensch also bewusst bemüht, diese Gesetze und Gebote wahrzunehmen, sie zu erkennen und zu akzeptieren, dann führen sie ihn einerseits zu sich selbst, zu seinem wahren inneren Wesen, und anderseits zeigen sie ihm bewusstseinsmässig viele ihm unbekannte Formen auf. All diese sind jedoch derart, dass er sie nicht erwartet und er sie mit seinen visuell wahrnehmenden Augen nicht sehen und mit seinem Verstand schlichtweg nicht verstehen kann, folglich er das Verstehen zu lernen und es mit seiner Vernunft zu und mit seinem Verstand schlichtweg nicht verstehen kann, folglich er das Verstehen zu lernen und es mit seiner Vernunft zu verbinden hat, um zu erfassen, welche Grösse in all den schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetzen und Geboten verborgen sind, die allem den Weg weisen und allem die passende Ordnung geben. Der Mensch und alle Geschöpfe in den Weiten des Universums sind schöpferisch-natürliche Wesen und als solche erschaffen aus den Gesetzmässigkeiten der geistenergetischen Schöpfung Universalbewusstsein. Aus ihr heraus ergibt sich, dass alles existiert, das ganze Dasein und auch alles Leben, wobei es für den Wert des Lebens keine Rangordnung gibt, weil allem Leben der gleiche Wert wie auch jedem seine bestimmte Nützlichkeit, Ordnung und Pflicht zugeordnet und gegeben ist. So ist ein Leben nicht mehr wert als ein anderes, gleichwohl das eine dem anderen als Hilfe oder Nahrung dienen mag, wie das gegeben ist in bezug auf Pflanzen, Tiere und Getier, wovon sich auch der Mensch ernährt, ganz gemäss den schöpferischnatürlichen Richtlinien seiner Ernährung. So gibt es für jeden Menschen und für jedes sonstige Lebewesen, seien es Pflanzen, Tiere oder Getier, seinen ihm zugeordneten Platz in dessen Dasein und Leben. Wenn jedoch aus dieser Sicht der Mensch betrachtet wird, dann ist dieser ein höheres und spezielles Wesen mit bewusstem Verstand und bewusster Vernunft und dadurch ein sehr wichtiges Stück im Gewebe des Daseins sowie in seinem Leben selbst. Er als solcher – wie er rassenmässig auch immer geartet sein mag – steht mit seiner Vernunft und mit seinem Verstand über allen Pflanzen, den Tieren und dem Getier, die ihm auch als Nahrung gegeben sind, wobei er sich selbst jedoch verstandesmässig und vernünftig davon ausnimmt, weil sich normalerweise gleich und gleich gegenseitig nicht zur Ernährung dienen. Wie jedes Geschöpf im gesamten Universum ist jedes Wesen ein Stück im Gewebe des Daseins und des Lebens, und kein Lebewesen, das lebt, ist entbehrlich, denn wenn es einmal ins Dasein und ins Leben gestellt ist, dann hat es auch seine Lebensberechtigung und auch seine Pflichten wahrzunehmen und zu leben. Das bedeutet, dass alle einmal ins Leben gesetzten lebendigen Lebewesen ihren Wert haben und wichtig sind, weil sie ein wertvolles Stück im Gewebe des Daseins und des Lebens sind und weil dieses Gewebe selbst ein Teil jedes Geschöpfes ist. Ist also ein Leben geboren – sei es gezeugt in Vernunft oder Unvernunft –, dann steht es im Leben und hat auch seine Lebensberechtigung, wie es aber auch seiner Lebenspflicht entspricht, im Dasein auch die schöpferisch-natürIichen Gesetze und Gebote wahrzunehmen und zu erfüllen. Dabei beruht diese Pflichterfüllung auch darin, die eigene Gattung in einem planetengerechten Rahmen zu halten und sie weder zu überzüchten noch zu überbevölkern.
SSSC, 2. März 2013, 1.04 h Billy

Getting System and Correct State into Everyday Life

Years ago I read the transcript of a lecture by Elisabeth Gruber, entitled ‘System und Ordnung’ (System and Correct State 1), which she gave in the early nineties and which can be found in the FIGU booklet ‘Überdenkenswerte Vorträge’ (Lectures Worthwhile Considering). And I remember that I was trying to get a bit more system and correct state into my life after reading it, but after a while I forgot to apply it and fell back into some old disorganised habits. My excuse used to be the shift work, but I got out of it six years ago. Then my excuses were working irregular days, having a family, a big garden, etc. But recently it occurred to me that falling back into old habits could be the cause for things not going as expected and that I need to get my act together and stop making excuses if I want to succeed. Therefore, I dug up the old lecture and studied it again, and because it makes so much sense to me I would like to share it with you:

System and Correct State

Lecture by Elizabeth Gruber, Austria, on the 8th of May, 1993

Frequently one searches for the reasons for failures and suchlike in the wrong place, or one questions one’s own abilities. In very many cases however, it is first and foremost a lack of system and correct state which is responsible for one not getting a grip on many things in life in a way that would be desirable and would lead to a Ziel2 Now the fundamental question is, what exactly is to be understood by ‘system and correct state’ and which factors are included therein. System and correct state is a cosmic fundamental law. We can recognise it through observing nature. Nature shows us quite plainly a total integration into this principle. This universal law can be seen in the smallest building blocks of life known to us, the atoms, and likewise in the macrocosm. For us human beings, who are integrated into a conscious self-evolution according to the creational determination, it is therefore of decisive significance to recognise and use system and correct state as one of the most important fundamental principles for a progressive and successful forming-process of our existence in the evolutive sense. Adding to that I would like to quote an excerpt from the spiritual teaching by Billy: “The entire universe is upheld solely by means of the law ‘system and correct state’. In this law of system and correct state the absolute, universal love is anchored, which must be worked for by every life-form. If the human being wants to be healthy, happy and successful in his/her material life, then in every form he/she has to align his/her daily life precisely according to the same law of system and correct state, and follow it.” Now, what is required of us in the material realm of life through the learning of system and correct state? For this law to become effective in daily life many factors play a decisive , to which I count, among others, the learning and keeping of:.
Being aware/conscious of one’s obligations and Orderliness
Likewise, I count among them learning to set up a precise work plan and arrangement, because all projects are carried out more efficiently when preceded by thorough planning. An example for that are human beings who hold a very large area of responsibility, because they accomplish their enormous workload only by keeping system and correct state most precisely. However, what sounds obvious, quite plausible and logical when put into practice, proves to be a very tough nut to crack, which has to be mastered. On one hand, there are the influ ences from our environment that constantly rain down on us and lead us to distractions or bring problems and difficulties, that make it very difficult to hold on to planned projects. On the other hand, there are antagonistic mights in us, which cause our laboriously built up discipline and consistency to sway again and again. In that case our conscience sometimes proves to be a rather unpleasant but helpful admonisher for pursuing our chosen way with even more effort. Frequently there are also purposelessness, lack of plan, indolence, untidiness, unpunctuality and still many more other unpleasant habits that we have to resolve if happiness, satisfaction and success are to ensue in daily life. But if we seriously and carefully study system and correct state, then pretty soon in our inner nature a natural resistance stirs against everything which runs counter to this striving in us, and so the aversion to half measure, purposelessness, lack of planning and suchlike grows in us to such an extent that we make an effort to steer our daily life onto regulated tracks. Therethrough also the cognition becomes certainty that only through the acquisition of system and correct state are we in a position of satisfying the requirements of our material existence. By learning about this natural law, we acquire many positive characteristics, for example, conscientiousness and reliability, wherethrough we gain the trust of our fellow human beings. From that it also becomes evident that the use of system and correct state in everyday life exerts a significant positive influence on the forming-process of the psyche, the equalisedness of which is the fundamental precondition for the learning of spiritual-evolutive concerns. Furthermore, by means of a controlled daily routine we create the necessary free space, quietude and distance from daily happenings, by means of which, likewise, a very important requirement for the studying of the spiritual teaching and for the meditation is fulfilled. This is because especially with the learning and using of spiritual-evolutive abilities it is of decisive significance that from the very beginning we concern ourselves with system and correct state so that we can achieve valueful cognitions and successes. Whether it is with the study of the spiritual teaching, with the learning of the meditation or any other spiritual and consciousness-based abilities, very soon we reach the point where it shows whether we have understood the sense and significance of this law. First and foremost, any prospect of success and all progress depends on the consistency, discipline, overcoming oneself, being tough with oneself and suchlike, which we summon up for setting our spiritual Ziele. Included with that, among other things, is a firm plan of study that is consistently and unfailingly adhered to, the regular practice of the meditations as well as practising what is learnt in everyday life. If we lack the cognition of the enormous importance of system and correct state and its unavoidable learning and usage, then we are also not capable of developing the power thatb enables us to pursue the spiritual-evolutive way with the necessary prospect of success. On one hand, we need this power to stop the already mentioned influences of all kinds that constantly come to us from our environment and, on the other hand, to be able to resist those likewise mentioned antagonistic mights in ourselves. To be able to follow the call of our determination as a human being in the necessary measure, we have to fight a tough bat tle, especially in today’s problem-laden world, which, how- ever, is worthwhile in any case in order to achieve inner peace, happiness and satisfaction thereby. If we look out to the immeasurable universe, to the stars that orbit in eternal, incontrovertible regulation, or if we gain an insight into the happenings of nature here on Earth by researching the life conditions and the behaviour in the kingdoms of flora and fauna, then this basic principle of all existence in the universe becomes obvious. Thus, it is also anchored in the creational laws and recommendations that we human beings, as part of the universal life, recognise system and correct state in the endless cosmic happenings as an alltimely visible, comprehendible and useable aid for our evolution. In conclusion to my thoughts about system and correct state in daily life I would like to add the following: All functioning correct states in the community of humankind require the integration of each individual human being into the principle of system and correct state. Therefore, for the general welfare of all human beings, laws, measures and rules are to be enacted according to these principles and laws of nature, in order to nip in the bud any form of Ausartungen3. Only in that way can a peaceful, correct state of the world be created and maintained. Only therethrough is it also possible that all human beings receive the opportunity for a humanworthy life with all requirements for the evolutive formingprocess. One of the hardest things for me would be setting up a precise work plan and arrangement and sticking with it. Those distractions from my environment and the antagonistic mights in me sometimes seem insurmountable. And my workload seems so big that quite often I don’t know where to begin. And then I remind myself to put one foot in front of the other and to keep walking. So, if I began (again) with one regular thing, e.g. meditation at 9.30 pm, because the time between 8 and 10 pm is supposed to be the best time for meditation, and practised this for a month, I would give my consciousness the opportunity to ‘get into the groove’, and once that is done, it will help to tackle the next thing. But, hang on a minute, there’s family gathering coming up and we will have the house full of people staying for at least one night... How can I retreat at the regular time and find the required peace and calm to meditate? Okay, another resolution! But this time I will really have a go at getting system and correct state into my life, because I do understand the need and importance of it, I’m just a little slow with putting it into practice... The following excerpt from the book ‘The Way to Live’ (number 384) shows the battle all of us have to fight: “...The material consciousness is also comparable with a battlefield on which strong and diverse thoughts do battle which can only be won when the thoughts are arranged (put in correct state) and are deployed in a logical form. However, in order to create a correct state on the material consciousness’s battlefield of the thoughts, it is necessary that a protected atmosphere is created in it, which can solely be achieved through a purpose-directed meditation.”
Vibka Wallder

System und Ordnung

Vortrag von Elisabeth Gruber, Österreich, am 8. Mai 1993
Vielfach sucht man die Gründe für Misserfolge und dergleichen am falschen Ort oder stellt die eigenen Fähigkeiten in Frage. In sehr vielen Fällen aber ist es in erster Linie ein Mangel von System und Ordnung, der dafür verantwortlich zeichnet, weil man vieles im Leben nicht so in den Griff bekommt, wie das wünschenswert und zielführend wäre. Nun stellt sich die grundlegende Frage, was genau unter System und Ordnung zu verstehen ist und welche Faktoren darin einbezogen sind. Bei System und Ordnung handelt es sich um ein kosmisches Grundgesetz. Wir können es erkennen durch die Beobachtung der Natur. Sie führt uns eine vollkommene Einordnung in diese Ge-setzmässigkeit vor Augen. In den kleinsten uns bekannten Lebensbausteinen, den Atomen und ebenso im Makrokosmos, ist dieses universelle Gesetz ersichtlich. Für uns Menschen, die wir der schöpferischen Bestimmung gemäss einer be-wussten Eigenevolution eingeordnet sind, ist es daher von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung für eine im evolutiven Sinne fortschrittliche und erfolgreiche Daseinsgestaltung, System und Ordnung als eines der wichtigsten Grundprinzipien zu erkennen und anzuwenden. Dazu möchte ich einen Ausschnitt aus der Geisteslehre von Billy zitieren: «Einzig und allein durch das Gesetz ‹System und Ordnung› wird das gesamte Universum aufrecht-erhalten. In diesem Gesetz System und Ordnung ist die absolute, universelle Liebe verankert, die von jeder Lebensform erarbeitet werden muss. Will der Mensch in seinem materiellen Leben gesund, glücklich und erfolgreich sein, dann hat er sein tägliches Leben in jeglicher Form nach dem genau gleichen Gesetz von System und Ordnung auszurichten und zu befolgen.» Welche Anforderungen werden nun im materiellen Lebensbereich durch die Erlernung von System und Ordnung an uns gestellt? Viele Faktoren spielen dabei eine massgebende Rolle, um dieses Gesetz im Alltag wirksam werden zu lassen, wozu ich unter anderem die Erlernung und Einhaltung von
und Ordentlichkeit
zähle.Ebenso zähle ich dazu die Erlernung einer genauen Arbeitsplanung und Einteilung, denn alle Vorhaben lassen sich effizienter erledigen, wenn eine gründliche Planung vorausgegangen ist. Ein Beispiel dafür geben uns Menschen, die einen sehr grossen Aufgabenbereich innehaben, denn ihr enormes Arbeitspensum bewältigen sie nur auf Grund einer genauesten Einhaltung von System und Ordnung. Was sich als selbstverständlich, durchaus einleuchtend und logisch anhört, erweist sich umgesetzt in die Praxis aber als ausgesprochen harter Brocken, den es zu bewältigen gilt. Zum einen sind es die ständig auf uns einprasselnden Umwelteinflüsse, die zu Ablenkungen verleiten, oder Probleme und Schwierigkeiten bringen, so sie ein Festhalten an geplanten Vorhaben sehr erschweren. Zum anderen sind es die Widersachermächte in uns selbst, die die mühevoll erarbeitete Disziplin und Konsequenz immer wieder ins Wanken bringen. Da erweist sich das Gewissen zwar als manches mal recht unangehnehmer, doch hilfreicher Mahner, um den eingeschlagenen Weg mit noch mehr Einsatz zu verfolgen. Vielfach sind es auch Ziel- und Planlosigkeit, Trägheit, Unordnung, Unpünktlichkeit und noch viele ander unliebsame Angewohnheiten, die wir zu beheben haben, wenn sich Glück, Zufriedenheit und Erfolg im Alltagsleben einstellen sollen. Doch wenn wir uns ernsthaft mit System und Ordnung auseinandersetzen, regt sich schon bald im Inneren ein natürlicher Widerstand gegen alles, was in uns selbst diesem Streben zuwiderläuft und so wächst auch der Widerwille gegen Halbheiten, Ziel- und Planlosigkeit und dergleichen in dem Masse, das wir uns bemühen, den Alltag in geordnete Bahnen zu lenken. Dadurch wird uns auch die Erkenntnis zur Gewissheit, dass wir erst durch Aneignung von System und Ordnung in der Lage sind, den Anfcorrect stateungen des materiellen Daseins gerecht zu werden. Viele positive Eigenschaften eignen wir unsdurch die Erlernung dieses Naturgesetzes an, so z.B. Gewissenhaftigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit, wodurch wir das Vertrauen unserer Mitmenschen gewinnen. Daraus wird uns auch ersichtlich, dass die Anwendung von System und Ordnung im Alltagsleben einen bedeutenden, positiven Einfluss auf die Gestaltung der Psyche ausübt, deren Ausgeglichenheit die Grundvoraussetzung zur Erlernung geistesevolutiver Belange ist. Weiter schaffen wir uns durch einen kontrollierten Tagesablauf den nötigen Freiraum, die Ruhe und den Abstand zum Alltagsgeschehen, wodurch ebenfalls ein sehr wichtiges Erfordernis zum Studium der Lehre des Geistes und zum Meditieren erfüllt wird. Denn gerade bei der Erlernung und Anwendung geistesevolutiver Fähigkeiten ist es von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung, dass wir uns von Beginn an mit System und Ordnung auseinandersetzen, um wertvolle Erkenntnisse und Erfolge verzeichnen zu können. Ob beim Studium der Geisteslehre, bei der Erlernung der Meditation oder sonstiger geistiger und bewusstseinsmässiger Fähigkeiten, sehr bald kommen wir zu dem Punkt, wo es sich erweist, ob wir den Sinn und die Bedeutung dieses Gesetzes erfasst haben. In erster Linie hängen nämlich jede Erfolgsaussicht und jeder Fortschritt von der Konsequenz, Disziplin, Selbstüberwindung, Selbsthärte und dergleichen mehr ab, die wir für unsere geistigen Zielsetzungen aufbringen. Dazu zählen unter anderem ein fester Studiumsplan, welcher konsequent und ausnahmslos einzuhalten ist, die regelmässige Durchführung der Meditationen sowie das Praktizieren des Erlernten im Alltagsleben. Mangelt es uns an der Erkenntnis der enormen Wichtigkeit von System und Ordnung und deren unumgänglicher Erlernung und Anwendung, dann sind wir auch nicht in der Lage, jene Kraft zu entwickeln, die uns befähigt, den geistesevolutiven Weg mit den erfcorrect statelichen Erfolgsaussichten zu verfolgen. Dieser Kraft bedürfen wir einerseits, um den schon erwähnten ständig von unserer Umwelt auf uns einströmenden Einflüssen aller Art Einhalt zu gebieten, und andererseits auch, um den ebenfalls erwähnten Widersachermächten in uns selbst widerstehen zu können. Um den Ruf unserer Bestimmung als Mensch im erforderlichen Masse folgen zu können, haben wir also einen harten Kampf auszufechten, besonder in unserer heutigen, problemsbeladenen Welt, der sich aber in jedem Falle lohnt, um dadurch inneren Frieden, Glück und Zufriedenheit zu erlangen. Wenn wir den Blick hinaus ins unermessliche All zu den Gestirnen richten, die in ewiger, unumstösslicher Ordnung ihre Bahnen ziehen, oder wenn wir auf unserer Erde einen Einblick in das Naturgeschehen erhalten, indem wir die Lebensbedingungen und das Verhalten im Pflanzen- und Tierreich erforschen, wird uns dieses Grundgesetz aller Existenz im Universum offenbar. So ist es auch in den schöpferischen Gesetzen und Geboten verankert, dass wir Menschen als Teil des universellen Lebens, System und Ordnung als allzeit sichtbare, erfassbare und anwendbare Hilfe zur Evolution im unendlichen, kosmischen Geschehen erkennen. Zum Abschluss meiner Überlegungen zu System und Ordnung im Alltag möchte ich noch folgendes hinzufügen: Jede funktionierende Ordnung in der Gemeinschaft einer Menschheit setzt das Einfügen des einzelnen Menschen in die Gesetzmässigkeit System und Ordnung voraus. Daher sind zum Gemeinwohl aller Menschen Gesetze, Massnahmen und Bestimmungen nach diesen natur-gesetzlichen Prinzipien zu erlassen, um Ausartungen jeder Form schon im Keime zu ersticken. Nur so kann eine friedliche Weltordnung geschaffen und aufrechterhalten werden. Dadurch nur ist es auch gegeben, dass alle Menschen die Möglichkeit für eine menschenwürdiges Leben mit allen Voraussetzungen zur evolutiven Gestaltung erhalten.

Respecting the Nature of Reality on the Mushroom Farm

“147) Consider that if you conduct yourselves arrogantly (vainly) against the truth of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), and if you are against all right and against the accountability, then although you can see the signs (evidence) of the wellspring of the love (Creation) in its appearance (nature) and all around in the firmaments (universe) and on the earths (worlds/planets), as well as in the lights of the firmament (celestial bodies/comets) and in all kinds of life (life forms), in people of your kind (human beings) and in everything that crawls and flies, you nevertheless cannot recognise (see) the signs (evidence) as such and neither can you understand them because you do not live according to the truth and you do not know it either; and if you are shown the way of the truth and also see the way of fairness (responsibility) and of accountability, then you do not want to accept it or to walk upon it, but continue along the way of erroneous assumption which you have made your own, because you treat the signs (evidence) of the wellspring of the love (Creation) as a lie and do not heed them. 148) And those amongst you who do not heed the signs (evidence) of the wellspring of the love (Creation) and do not heed the truth – your deeds are arrogant (vain) and are not steadfast, and therefore you cannot be rewarded for goodness, but instead you can only receive a poor reward for what you do that is lacking goodness.” Goblet of the Truth, Chapter Seven

We might think such lines from the book, ‘Goblet of the Truth’ apply only to other people. After-all, we are engaged in studying the teaching of the truth. We know better, don’t we? Well, in some ways I know I certainly don’t. If I examine my own behaviour, I am struck by the stubborn persistence I show in not respecting the nature of reality and therefore not following its guidance. As we study the spiritual teaching, the teaching of life, the teaching of the truth, we repeatedly read how we need to align ourselves with the creational-natural laws. We are reminded to study nature as part of the way to learn what they are. And our daily experience of life is where we do our learning. This spring, setting up a little mushroom farm has given me a perfect opportunity to have just those specific experiences. I look back at my almost 50 years of life so far and see someone who, while very productive in many ways, just has not accepted and respected the true nature and needs of the human being in line with the creationalnatural laws – that is, the different absolutely necessary processes and phases that make up the evolutionary development. So, that means not only development and productivity, but periods of rest and reflection and time for mistakes and course corrections. As a teenager I allowed myself to get driven by the common idea that more and more work, and more and more productivity was more and more good. I have not been accepting of the need for regeneration and similar things – at least not to the point of it being much more than seeming a good idea. And along with that, I have not been accepting of the value and logical necessity of reasonable mistakes and the naturalness of ‘set-backs’ (those things that occur to show you where you are still wrong in your appraisal of a situation). I have not been accepting of the role of this (neutral) negative in our lives as being just a part of the natural negative-positive-balanced journey which shows us where we took a wrong turn. Instead, despite turning away from religion, I have seemingly subconsciously held on to the irrational idea that such negatives are a result of a lack of faith in God. Also, in my delusions about what should be possible, I have childishly rebelled against the need for phases of development which do not immediately bear fruit! Again, the imaginary God is supposed to make miracles happen for us if only we are faithful! (A tree has those phases, but somehow I think I should not have to have them.) I know I am not alone in these wrong ideas although, drenched in religious training as a child, I have perhaps excelled at them! Having just re-read this explanation of mine, I marvel at how irrational I have been and the fact that I never had a nervous breakdown or something similar! And it is absolutely no surprise that I have struggled with a sleep disorder. No wonder we are plagued by so much stress and unhappiness – all because we never learnt to respect the truth of reality and how it really works, but instead just accepted a set of behavioural rules which were based on a delusion about what we actually are. And what we are is a creation of Creation that must abide by creational law. So it is also no surprise that the road I have taken on the way to forming a better me – and I have to laugh at myself – is still characterised by way too much work. My ingrained response at say, 11 o’clock at night – the night before a busy market day – to being faced with a room full of sterilised sawdust bags that need mushroom spawn mixed through them carefully, thoroughly, one at a time, without delay, in a room that needed to be meticulous cleaned for the umpteenth time, is, “Why should all this be necessary”? I childishly and illogically tell myself I should somehow not have to do all this, and that I should somehow be able to skip some part of this process, or at least put it off. I fall into that deeply ingrained arrogance, bred up by religious belief, that if I am ‘good’ these ‘difficulties’ should somehow fall away. That is, before I catch myself and remind myself to simply pay attention, in the way concentration-meditation practice teaches, allowing myself to remember that what actually counts is reality, and I need to conform to IT. So, having pulled myself up, I instead begin the definitely constructive and satisfying experience of respecting the nature of reality. This respecting the nature of reality is really what the spiritual teaching is all about. It is such a simple idea – although we find it so alien – and only needs to be put into practise in a logically conscientious form, which adheres to system and ‘right state’ (the term FIGU now uses to better express the German word ‘Ordnung’ which we are told is wrongly expressed with the word ‘order’). So, having chosen a money-earning project for myself which contains many tedious hours of process work, I have the perfect opportunity to retrain myself in this respecting of reality. What happens? Once I get onto the right track, it’s always reliably the same. After I concentrate for a little while, the impatience falls away, along with the petulance. I feel pleasure as a result of meditating on the mushroom organism itself and its nature and thus its needs (respecting it). A feeling of wonder arises to accompany the newfound respect. The arrogance subsides to make way for attentive nurturing and, dare I say, love. All this is accompanied by a feeling of peace and contentment and deep satisfaction. Then my rational consciousness and intellect tells me, “Of course all these processes are absolutely necessary. Only irrationality led you to wish it was otherwise.” And, “You can improve your methods carefully and respectfully and make beautiful mushrooms. Enjoy.” Then, because such a healthy mind-space generates further creativepositive thoughts, “Now, make sure you look after yourself too with the same attentive thoroughness”. That’s about the point where I start to fall back into my old bad habits, having set myself the usual madly ambitious project that I cannot immediately interrupt for nurturing self-care – like going to bed. (Even the mushroom organism has a rest and recuperation phase!) To think of the natural-creational processes of life as ‘difficulties’ that we should be able to just override or ignore or have taken away from us by ‘God’ is exactly what we have done here on Earth, in our inability to respect the nature of reality, and it has resulted in the profound, increasing destruction of the very environment on which we depend. For example, the thinking that we should just be able to limitlessly boost the fertility of our soils without respecting the need for their existing natural balance and need for restoration, thus actually eventually creating infertility. That we should just be able to breed up limitlessly without any thought to the planet’s ability to sustain us is the most glaring example. This is the arrogance spoken about in the spiritual teaching, whereby we think we can live independently of the creational processes which form our very being. It is only when we actually engage in the practise of observing and having cognitions about the actual, true reality of our world and ourselves that we can start to recognise the benefits of it and the insanity and irrationality of doing otherwise. And so I will press on with my consciousness retraining program on my little mushroom farm. And eventually the fruits of my labour will be more than excellent mushrooms. They will also include a consciousness and world of thoughts that conforms and wants to conform to creational reality – a consciousness that, along with allowing for proper care of the mushroom organism, allows for the natural restoration of the human organism.
Vivienne Legg